Python Download Image From Url Requests

I'm just beginning with Python and programming, so been trying to get as much experience reading code as possible. Downloading images from URLs. Ask Question 8. # recursively download images starting from the root URL def downloadImages(url, level): # the root URL is level 0 print url global urlList if url in urlList: # prevent using. So there you have it! Two methods to convert a URL to an image using Python, OpenCV, urllib, and scikit-image. In this blog post we learned about two methods to download an image from a URL and convert it to OpenCV format using Python and OpenCV.

What I'm trying to do is fairly simple when we're dealing with a local file, but the problem comes when I try to do this with a remote URL.

Basically, I'm trying to create a PIL image object from a file pulled from a URL. Sure, I could always just fetch the URL and store it in a temp file, then open it into an image object, but that feels very inefficient.

Here's what I have:

It flakes out complaining that seek() isn't available, so then I tried this:


But that didn't work either. How to mass download from icloud. Is there a Better Way to do this, or is writing to a temporary file the accepted way of doing this sort of thing?

Daniel QuinnDaniel Quinn
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9 Answers

In Python3 the StringIO and cStringIO modules are gone.

In Python3 you should use:

Andres KullAndres Kull
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Fábio DinizFábio Diniz
7,9272 gold badges30 silver badges39 bronze badges

I use the requests library. It seems to be more robust.

Python open image from urlSauravSaurav
2,0313 gold badges15 silver badges12 bronze badges

For those of you who use Pillow, from version 2.8.0 you can:

or if you use requests:


Giovanni CappellottoGiovanni Cappellotto

Use StringIO to turn the read string into a file-like object:

25.6k6 gold badges70 silver badges74 bronze badges
Dan D.Dan D.
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For those doing some sklearn/numpy post processing (i.e. Deep learning) you can wrap the PIL object with np.array(). This might save you from having to Google it like I did:


Unlike other methods, this method also works in a for loop!


select the image in chrome, right click on it, click on Copy image address, paste it into a str variable (my_url) to read the image:

open it;


The arguably recommended way to do image input/output these days is to use the dedicated package ImageIO. Image data can be read directly from a URL with one simple line of code:

Many answers on this page predate the release of that package and therefore do not mention it. ImageIO started out as component of the Scikit-Image toolkit. It supports a number of scientific formats on top of the ones provided by the popular image-processing library PILlow. It wraps it all in a clean API solely focused on image input/output. In fact, SciPy removed its own image reader/writer in favor of ImageIO.

John HennigJohn Hennig

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I am creating a program that will download a .jar (java) file from a web server, by reading the URL that is specified in the .jad file of the same game/application. I'm using Python 3.2.1

I've managed to extract the URL of the JAR file from the JAD file (every JAD file contains the URL to the JAR file), but as you may imagine, the extracted value is type() string.

Here's the relevant function:

However I always get an error saying that the type in the function above has to be bytes, and not string. I've tried using the URL.encode('utf-8'), and also bytes(URL,encoding='utf-8'), but I'd always get the same or similar error.

So basically my question is how to download a file from a server when the URL is stored in a string type?

Bo MilanovichBo Milanovich
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7 Answers

If you want to obtain the contents of a web page into a variable, just read the response of urllib.request.urlopen:

The easiest way to download and save a file is to use the urllib.request.urlretrieve function:

But keep in mind that urlretrieve is considered legacy and might become deprecated (not sure why, though).

So the most correct way to do this would be to use the urllib.request.urlopen function to return a file-like object that represents an HTTP response and copy it to a real file using shutil.copyfileobj.

If this seems too complicated, you may want to go simpler and store the whole download in a bytes object and then write it to a file. But this works well only for small files.

It is possible to extract .gz (and maybe other formats) compressed data on the fly, but such an operation probably requires the HTTP server to support random access to the file.

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Oleh PrypinOleh Prypin
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I use requests package whenever I want something related to HTTP requests because its API is very easy to start with:

first, install requests


Python Download Image From Url Requests To Access

then the code:

Ali FakiAli Faki
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Python Download Image Url

I hope I understood the question right, which is: how to download a file from a server when the URL is stored in a string type?

I download files and save it locally using the below code:

Ranvijay KumarRanvijay Kumar

Here we can use urllib's Legacy interface in Python3:

Python Open Image From Url

The following functions and classes are ported from the Python 2 module urllib (as opposed to urllib2). They might become deprecated at some point in the future.

Example (2 lines code):

Yang YuYang Yu

Python Download Image From Url Requests To Server

You can use wget which is popular downloading shell tool for that. will be the simplest method since it does not need to open up the destination file. Here is an example.

Lasith NiroshanLasith Niroshan

Yes, definietly requests is great package to use in something related to HTTP requests. but we need to be careful with the encoding type of the incoming data as well below is an example which explains the difference


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